You probably don’t know anyone whose life is perfect all the time. Even individuals in the public eye who seem to have everything suffer from depression, mental health issues, relationship problems and financial concerns. We all share this same ocean of life with its constant ups and downs.
Keeping up hope can be difficult when something you believed in doesn’t come to pass, when you are faced with injury, illness or disability, and if you have to face great loss. So how do you maintain hope?
One of the first things to do is to step back and see what changes you can make in the moment. Sometimes when we look at our problems they loom in front of us like giant mountains that can never be climbed. By examining our immediate surroundings and finding the first sure footing, we get to the path. What small, loving choice can fulfill you and bring you some comfort and happiness right now?
The other benefit of not focusing on the mountain as a whole, is you can start breaking it down into manageable chunks. So, survey the terrain. What direction might bring you to a path around or over this obstacle? It’s true that there’s much you can’t see, but plan how to get to the next outlook.
Sometimes this means we need supplies, and help. Ask for support. If you can’t talk to friends or family then find a support group in your community. Churches and ministers will many times talk to people for free. Look online to see if there is a support group that helps with your issue. Technology opens many doors.
In order to climb a mountain you need good food, rest and an ability to appreciate what comes along the way. As you follow the path the mountain still looms beside you, but soon you notice wildlife, flowing streams, flower petals open to the morning sun. This eases the awareness of the mountain and brings greater enjoyment, and hope, into every moment. While the climb is still hard there are unexpected rewards along the way when we open our eyes to them.
It’s a long journey. No one will say overcoming obstacles is easy. It takes a great deal of perseverance, and honesty with ourselves about the situation and what we want from life. However, when you finally get to the top of the mountain and look down you see that every step you took had value, because it helped you reach your destination.