06/25/2013 // Concord, CA, USA // LifeCare123 // Eva Hvingelby // (press release)
Children who skip breakfast miss out on important nutrients such as calcium, dietary fiber, and are more likely to snack on junk food between meals. Not eating breakfast results in lower levels of energy and reduces the time spent in active play and exercise, further setting your child up for weight gain.
An excellent breakfast you can offer your child in the morning, and even enjoy yourself, is a bowl of whole grain cereal. Whole grain cereals have been proven effective in reducing the risk factors for heart disease throughout the lifespan.
The National Health and Nutrition survey found that boxed or cooked whole grain cereals are equally healthy. When shopping, be sure you carefully review the label. The word “whole” should come in front of every grain on the list. Eating a healthy breakfast with your child every morning sets everyone up for better eating habits throughout the day, and helps keep the weight off.
Panagiotakos, D., Antonogeorgos , G., Papadimitriou, A., Anthracopoulos, B., Papadopoulos, M., Konstantinidou, M., Fretzayas, A. & Priftis, K. (2008) Breakfast cereal is associated with a lower prevalence of obesity among 10 to12-year-old children: The PANACEA study. Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases, 18, 606-612
Cho, S., Dietrich, M., Brown, C., Clark, C, & Block, G. (2003) The effect of breakfast type on total daily energy intake and body mass index: results from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III).Journal of the American College of Nutrition. (4):296-302.
Article provided by https://www.lifecare123.com/news.
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