Were you injured by a drunk driver? Dr. Greg Vigna is a rehabilitation physician and a serious injury lawyer who understands the types of injuries you sustained and what you will need for your recovery. As your catastrophic injury attorney Dr. Vigna uses his 20 plus years of medical experience to develop a comprehensive lifecare plan for your injury. His goal is to ensure you receive the highest quality medical care, and that you are fully compensated for any disabilities resulting from your injuries.
It’s a Fun Place
Santa Barbara is known for its wonderful festivals and events. Summer Solstice and Fiesta highlight the summer, with school related celebrations and holidays rounding out the year. Parades, parties and drinking go hand in hand. While most people in our community practice responsible alcohol consumption, there are still many accidents related to driving while under the influence. Being hit by a drunk driver while walking, riding a bike just driving home can cause severe injury and will require the help of a local injury attorney.
One of the most common injuries form any type of motor vehicle accident is a traumatic brain injury, which is also known as TBI. TBI occurs when a powerful force shakes the brain within the skull. If the head is impacted directly, such as on a side car window, or if the victim is thrown into the air and lands on the head, the brain is traumatized from the blow. Even if the head does not directly impact another object, the brain may still be damaged. This is because the brain is surrounded by cerebrospinal fluid, and essential floats within the skull. If the head is thrown in any direction, or stops suddenly the brain will keep moving and be shaken back and forth within the skull, which causes bleeding and inflammation.
Other injuries that are common in drunk driving accidents include spinal cord damage, internal bleeding, broken bones, and tissue damage.
Your Advocate
If the unthinkable happens and you are injured by a drunk driver, contact your hometown serious injury lawyer and rehabilitation physician, Dr. Greg Vigna. He knows how to help you recover losses, be compensated for your injuries, and receive the highest quality medical care.