Did you know that even a mild brain injury can cause lasting changes in how your brain functions? Individuals who’ve suffered from a concussion other accident related head injury report a variety of symptoms including higher rates of insomnia after their injury. Many mild cases of traumatic brain injury go undiagnosed and under-treated while patients suffer with day to day complications. Dr. Greg Vigna is a head injury lawyer and rehabilitation physician who understands the effects of traumatic brain injury on quality of life; Dr. Vigna can evaluate your case and recommend a specialist who understands the complex symptoms patients experience after head trauma and guide you to the right treatment.
Head Injury and Sleep Disturbance
Your brain helps you fall asleep by responding to certain triggers such as daylight and activity. It sends out signaling chemicals that tell certain parts of the brain to wake up, and stops signaling that part of the brain when it’s time to fall asleep. It also sends out chemicals that help you go to sleep.
Since the brain controls the sleep-wake cycle, damage to the brain from an impact to the head can disrupt this process. You may experience difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. You may also feel extremely sleepy during the day, making it difficult to concentrate. When normal sleep patterns are out of balance, other sleep related disturbances such as grinding the teeth, periods of sleep apnea where you stop breathing, and restless limbs may develop.
It’s important to be evaluated for traumatic brain injury after any accident in which you sustained trauma to the head. Emerging research shows that even small changes to critical areas of the brain can have lasting effects.
As a head injury lawyer, Board Certified Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist and Certified Lifecare Planner, Dr. Greg Vigna understand the complex symptoms, such as chronic insomnia, that plague head injury victims long after the accident. Contact our brain injury law firm today for a free case evaluation.